
Mainstream society has different priorities and values than I do.

It doesn’t mean that I am flawed because I am different.

I can view society’s values as

“It’s great that it works for them, but it doesn’t work for me, and that’s okay.”

Society also values very specific types of intelligence—

mainly academic.

This led me to believe that I lacked intelligence

for most of my life.

I am now learning that I possess intelligence in other areas that are equally as valuable.

I possess strong empathy for others and I’m often in tune with others’ emotional states.

I pick up on subtle social cues during interactions.

This allows me to navigate a conversation in a way that can provide comfort and connection for others.

I am just beginning to explore my capabilities.

Maybe learning how to utilize this gift

will lead me toward a more fulfilling life;

and it’s okay if it’s not the life society thinks is “right.”

Maybe I am meant for more than mainstream.